The Ocean Challenge

The ocean, such a huge part of our surroundings, yet in many ways a world of its own were distances and voids often generate associations to space. A world filled with taunting mysteries and fascinating creatures, were our search for answers are challenged by a multitude of obstacles.


Looking at the subject with the eyes of a researcher of marine biology, the topic is wuthering, jet simply irresistible. Pop almost any question and the answer is far from “written in stone”. We know very little even about our most abundant cetaceans. We have merely skimmed the surface, of this world so different from ours, but also part of ours.


Welfare, Protection and Conservation

If we aim to preserve and protect the marine wildlife we need to persist in the enduring hunt for knowledge. At the present a lot of the cetacean species lack an evaluation of status on IUCNs red list due to data deficiency.


For those cetaceans that are evaluated to be endangered (and there are quite a few) holistic information is required in order to set up a successful conservation strategy. Also we might not just want to save what is endangered or concentrate on a specie level, but rather manage the marine resources on the appropriate scale, big and small.


Increasing this knowledge we are able to suggest measures that are relevant and applicable in insuring the welfare of the animals while also serving to increase quality in respect to the marine wildlife tourism activity (encompassing regulations, vessel conduct, procedures as well as management strategy).




Long Term Scientific Data

For many years Sea Colors Expeditions has been building scientific basis on the study of marine species around the Azores. After collecting long term scientific data on the marine fauna, its behavior is characterized and prevailing conditions are specified. The data is then assessed in order for indications or trends to be reveled or supported and to evaluate set hypotheses. Geographic location and time, social behavior, paths, physiology, biometrics, body health assessments and foraging patterns are some of the data collected.




Photo ID

Our data collection and studies includes also annual Photo Identification on cetaceans. Each individual have different fins and flukes profiles and also scars and nicks are often present. By taking pictures of this area we can attain a Photo ID that aids us in recognizing a specific individual. By continuously collecting Photo IDs we find out more about abundance, group structure an distribution patterns.


Our primary focuses are on Sperm whales, Commun bottlenose dolphins and Rissos dolphins, were many animals are resident or return repeatedly to the area. We also create additional catalogues incluind Pilot whales and Baleen whales. Individuals from most of these species have huge living ranges and collaborations with other researchers on a regional and an international scale is needed to grasp the big picture.


As a guest you are most welcome to participate in the collection of data and we will brief you up on the subject to whatever point you feel is of your interest.












Population and Behavior

We observe and register the behavior of individuals and groups of cetaceans, documenting field data, taking notes or using voice recorders, GPS and video footage. Information about, number individual whales present, geographic position, date, time, etc is taken.




Encounters and Distribution

The documentation of the distribution of  the cetaceans we observe every year, and its comparison, is important to understand habitat use in and relate to oceanographic variables.










Passive Acoustics

Sperm whales emit acoustic signals when searching for prey in the depth. They produce echolocation sounds, and these “cliks”can be detected and recorded using hydrophones and acoustic recorders.
















Using non intrusive procedures, we collect prey, fecal  and skin samples for DNA analyses to determine the sex, the relatedness of individuals and diet.













Research Projects and Conservation Programs

In order to advance knowledge and understanding about marine wildlife, their habitat and identify potential threats, we conduct specific research projects and studies dedicated to different species, including the development of IT and research tools. Consequently we develop strategies and implement conservation programs.





Our research work is mainly funded by environmental conscious public that join us onboard to participate in our observations and support our studies. By supporting and joining us you are helping to:


-Protect and conserve ecosystems and species.

-Raise awareness about threats such as plastic pollution, noise pollution, ghost fishing gear, ship strikes, climate change impacts and massive and selfish tourism.

-Better understand and detect new threats especially on species that still little is known about.

-Keep our research projects.

-Maintaining and improving our research platforms and equipment.

-Keep our student and internship programs.

-Disseminate scientific data for educational purposes.